About company


Nowadays, Eigenmethod has 3 representative offices and is a Gold SAP partner in Ukraine, providing high-level expertise in SAP consulting.

Eigenmethod is the only company in Ukraine awarded with 6 SAP Recognized Expertise rewards at once.

Precisely the industry bias, commercial experience with market giants, and recognition of the team’s competencies as SAP vendor ensure the highest guarantees of service quality to our clients.

Our expert focus is implementing SAP-based analytical and budgeting systems with methodological support in terms of business consulting.


We can provide a measurable result to our clients for expenses saving and gaining additional profit thanks to an impeccable reputation, tremendous appreciation of SAP Vendor, and proven efficiency of solutions.

Clients in 6 countries use our solutions

Representative offices in 3 countries

12 IT directions authorized by SAP Vendor.

6 SAP Recognized Expertise awards in 3 economic sectors and in 3 IT areas

12 official references from clients

26 implementation projects of SAP systems


13 SAP BI certified consultants

19 SAP ERP certified consultants

EIGENMETHOD team is more than 50 employees with unique sector-specific and project experience in implementation of solutions on the SAP platform.

EIGENMETHOD Company’s operational experience includes the following sectors of economic: energy, retail, metallurgy, finance, telecommunications, pharmacy, manufacturing and public and consumers’ sectors.

That’s the experience marked by recommendations and references of global companies in a sector-specific business environment!

The higher merit of proficiency is SAP clients’ appreciation!

We got the experience and modern practice command in the largest-scope projects of SAP innovative product implementation in the country that gives us the possibility to compete successfully against  the more prominent companies. 

In 2020 Company was successfully certified in cloud solutions of SAP Analytics Cloud and got awards for perfect cases in Enterprise Planning and Analytics — SAP Recognized Expertise. Therefore, today, our team's skills are recognized as the best in budgeting and business analytics in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Due to an impeccable reputation, superior merits from the side of the SAP Vendor and proven efficiency of solutions we can provide our clients with the measurable result for saving of expenses and gaining additional profits.

You could assure of this on your own, having referred to one of our offices in Ukraine, Denmark, or the USA.

Our staff is loyal to Business behavior and ethics code and Anti-corruption policy which reflects company values.

We are confident that relations based on honesty and integrity increase company value and promote sustainable development.

EIGENMETHOD business behavior and ethics code is a critical document that states rules and standards of corporate conduct of Company personnel and also our relations partners and clients. 

EIGENMETHOD Anticorruption policy is requirements that supplement Business behavior and ethics code and specify in certain terms position and behavior of Company personnel and management in situations that could cause corruption.