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17 June 2021

Our team has been running paid internship programs for students every year for many years.

Thanks to this program, we have trained and raised more than 60 qualified SAP specialists who are successfully working in the market. So, in the first half of June in our office trainees were trained in the SAP BI field.

Our interns are trained "by doing", from the first weeks they are involved in SAP projects along with the team and are trained by the best Eigenmethod experts.

Trainees attended lectures and courses in the chosen area, completed training cases, mastered new software products and their capabilities. Starting from the second week of the program, our trainees began to receive tasks on real projects (currently, all interaction is online). A mentor is assigned to the trainees, who gives them recommendations for further development at intermediate meetings. For students, who was well-proven during the internship and who had successfully passed the exam, Eigenmethod has made a job offer and the interns will start working on July 1.

Welcome new colleagues in our team!


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